Combine Two Partitions in windows10,merge two drive win 7,8,8.1,10,how two join two drives,
AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard is a FREE disk partition management software which has earned good reputation among worldwide users. It comes with so many powerful features that you can completely control your hard disk and partition. For example, "Extend Partition Wizard" enables you to increase partition size to completely solve low disk space problem, or you can flexibly manage disk space with "Resize Partition", "Merge Partitions", "Spilt Partition" and "Copy Partition".
First you need AOMEI software,you can download it from here
AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard is a FREE disk partition management software which has earned good reputation among worldwide users. It comes with so many powerful features that you can completely control your hard disk and partition. For example, "Extend Partition Wizard" enables you to increase partition size to completely solve low disk space problem, or you can flexibly manage disk space with "Resize Partition", "Merge Partitions", "Spilt Partition" and "Copy Partition".
First you need AOMEI software,you can download it from here
now follow these steps
1.Open AOMEI
2.Select which drive do you want to merge on another.. for eg ( d: e: f: )
3.Right click on that drive you will find merge option click on it.
4. Now tick both drives..which drive u want to add on another drive.
5.Click on apply.
6. Click on process den pc will restart
7. Now your drive is merged/combined with another.
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